Movement To Manifest

1:1 Session


In-Person Modesto, California

60 minutes


A Movement To Manifest lesson is a body awareness technique designed to help you move intelligently in your body and in your life in order to experience your fullest self.

You’ll move skeletally, learning to decrease muscular effort. Because when we decrease effort, we increase awareness.

Through gentle, explorative movement, you can learn to move in your internal and external worlds in a coherent, healthy, and powerful way.

Moving without copying a model, but from a deep awareness of who you truly are.

60 minute Somatic Movement Sessions include a take home Mini-Lesson


Our bodies are always whole and in connection.

Each movement lesson will have a theme around a certain kind of movement or specific body parts. However, since we know each part is linked to all other parts, we know that when we affect one part of ourselves we invariably affect all parts of ourselves.

Often, working on a theme or body part farther away from the one we experience a problem in, will yield faster and better results than had we focused on and worked with the troubled area directly or very nearby. Entering our system through an access point that doesn’t hold a lot of trepidation or resistance allows an easier time gaining new information and making transformation.